A place to share my love of customization through my screenshots
It's the crumbs it leaves behind
Published on February 6, 2007 By MySecret In Personal Computing
Just follow those crumbs The ads that scroll, spin & shake are capturing your click patterns then following you to other sites, sending more ads based on what you have been clicking on. These cookies are set to expire after 1 year, thats alot of information being collected on you if you are not deleting cookies.

There is an opt out page where consumers can turn off the tracking cookies from Tacoda, Revenue Science, and five other online ad networks. Find this link halfway down the page I provided a link to. **But as stated on the page it is cookie based, meaning that if you delete your cookies you need to opt out again.

I personally believe that it defeats the purpose. I don't want to keep those cookies period because somewhere another company will be following them.

An easy option is to allow cookies from sites and set to delete when closing your browser. This does not stop those cookie crumbs though from allowing sites to follow you around the net unless you are constantly closing your browser.

In FireFox first go to Tools, Options, Privacy, select always clear private data when closing FireFox..Press Settings and check each box except saved passwords though Now to make this easy to do without closing & opening the browser. You can find under customize toolbar ( righclick on toolbar & select customize) a gold lock icon. Drag & drop this icon to your toolbar and simply click on it to open a small window , press *clear private data* This now takes about 5 seconds and eliminates those crumbs when going to different sites.

In IE In under Tools you can go to privacy settings.

Hope this helps

It's My Secret
on Feb 06, 2007
Now to make this easy to do without closing & opening the browser. You can find under customize toolbar ( righclick on toolbar & select customize) a gold lock icon.

Not seeing it here. It must come from some addon. Good Info tho.
on Feb 06, 2007
Ahhhh Sorry I have an extension called Toolbar buttons

WWW Link

It's My Secret